Wednesday 4 January 2017

Notorious Hacker Defaces Google Brazil Domain

 A Notorious hacker who defaced the NSA sub-domains in 2015 and left Pro-Palestinian messages, on Tuesday hacked and defaced the official Google Brazil domain.
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 The hacker who goes by the alias of "Kuroi'SH" defaced the Google domain and left a message greeting his friends for the successful attack on such a high profile domain. The news of the defaced page made waves all over Brazil as the defaced image remained on the domain for more than 30 minutes, of which every user accessing the Google domain Brazil couldn't pass without noticing it.

 The message on the defaced Google page read: "It is a great moment to die. Hacked by Kuroi'SH! Two Google at once, i don't even care;f**k the jealous hates such as Nofawkx. Two Google at once world record idgaf :D. Greets to my friends Prosox and Shinobi h4xor."

This video was uploaded by a Google user in Brazil 

 In an exclusive chat with Kuroi'SH, the hacker explained that "By two Google domains i mean that Google Paraguay domain since i was able to deface it as well but didn't have the time to make its mirror."
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 He further went on to explain that he defaced Google Brazil to prove to the world that anything could be hacked and never should anybody underestimate the security risks. The hacker rebuffed some media reports that he also defaced Google maps and Google Translate.
 In response to the attack, Google Brazil acknowledged the defacement but claimed that Google was not hacked. They claimed that DNS servers may have suffered the attack and were redirecting to other sites.

Note: At the time of this post, the targeted Google domain was restored and everything returned back to normal.

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